Archivi tag: Sebastian Pfaffen

«When pope saw Evita» in new book

Sheds light on little-known spells as Jesuit in Cordoba


(ANSA) – Buenos Aires, September 26 – Pope Francis had a youthful brush with Evita Peron in Buenos Aires, according to a new book relating little-known details of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s life, especially two formative spells in the city of Cordoba. «I saw Eva on one occasion when I went with my brother into a ‘unidad basica’ (Peronist chapter) looking for booklets for a piece of work in school», Francis told the authors of Quel Francesco (That Francis), Javier Camara and Sebastian Pfaffen, who handed the pope a copy in the Vatican Thursday. «She was there, she greeted us», said the former archbishop of Buenos Aires. Continua la lettura di «When pope saw Evita» in new book